Farida Kozybaeva Esenkozhanovna
Education: Kazakh State Agricultural Institute 1961-1966 гг.; рostgraduate studies - Institute of Soil Science of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, 1971-1974 гг. Academic degree: Doctor of biological sciences «Soil formation in the technogenic landscapes of the south and east of...
Beibut Suleimenov Ualikhanovich
Education: Kazakh Agricultural Institute 1978-1983; postgraduate studies – Kazakh Research Institute of Agriculture 1986-1988. Scientific degree: Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, «Increasing the fertility of irrigated serozems of cotton-growing regions of South Kazakhstan», 03.00.27 – soil science,...
Askar Kurmanbayev Abylaykanovich
Education KazGU nam. CM. Kirov 1975-1980 Scientific degree: Doctor of Biological Sciences, Implementation of the principles of biological farming based on the vital activity of microorganisms. - Microbiology 03.00.07, 2002. Professor.Participation in research projects (last five years) No....
Raushan Ramazanova Khamzaevna
Education: Kazakh Agricultural Institute, Soil and Agrochemical Faculty 1983-1988. Postgraduate studies at All-Union Research Institute of Fertilization and Agro Soil Science named after D.N.Pryanishnikov (Moscow, 1989-1996). D.N.Pryanishnikov (Moscow) 1989-1991. Academic degree: Candidate of...
Samat Tanirbergenov Isembayevich
Education: Kazakh National Agrarian University, specialty "Soil Science and Agrochemistry", bachelor 2007-2011, master 2011-2013 and PhD 2013-2017. Academic degree: PhD, “Development of methods for increasing fertility on saline gray soils with the combined use of fertilizers and ameliorants”...
Tatiana Sharypova Mikhailovna
Higher education Kazakh Institute of Agriculture, Faculty "Soil science and agrochemistry" (1974-1979). Scientific degree - candidate of agricultural sciences, "Filtration regime as a factor of directional regulation of soil processes in conditions of rice growing" 03.00.27 - soil science, 1996....
Gulnar Tokseitova Asanovna
Education (Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov, 1974-1979; correspondence postgraduate study - Institute of Soil Science of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, 1986-1990. Academic degree: Candidate of Biological Sciences, Transformation of the morphostructure of solonetzes under...
Mariya Ibrayeva Amenovna
Education Kazakh Order of the Red Banner of Labor Agricultural Institute 1971-1976; postgraduate studies - Agricultural Academy named after. K.A. Timiryazev (TAA), Department of Microbiology, Moscow, 1983-1986;) Academic degree: Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Influence of decomposition of...
Konstantin Pachikin Mikhailovich
Education: Higher KazSU named after S.M. Kirov (1979), Candidate of Biological Sciences (1992). In different years of scientific activity held positions from engineer to head of the department of geography, genesis and evaluation of soils of the Institute. Area of scientific activity is connected...
Bakhytbek Amirov Mustafauly
Education: Kazakh OTKZ Agricultural Institute 1977-1983; postgraduate studies - Kazakh Research Institute of Potato and Vegetable Growing, 1984-1988 Scientific degree: Ph.D., Efficiency of nitrogen fertilizers and diagnostics of nitrogen nutrition of white cabbage on irrigated dark chestnut soil of...
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