Education (Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov, 1974-1979; correspondence postgraduate study - Institute of Soil Science of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, 1986-1990.
Academic degree: Candidate of Biological Sciences, Transformation of the morphostructure of solonetzes under the influence of chemical reclamation, 1992.
Participation in research projects (last five years)
1 STP «Problems of irrigated saline soils of the Turkestan region and their solution based on the use of innovative technology to improve soil fertility and productivity" (2018-2020) according to BP 267 «Improving the availability of knowledge and scientific research», subprogram 101 «Program-targeted financing of scientific research and events».
2 STP «Scientific and technological support for the conservation and reproduction of the fertility of agricultural land» (2021-2023) according to BP 267 «Improving the availability of knowledge and scientific research», subprogram 101 «Program-targeted financing of scientific research and activities».
Number of publications: 50 (total), including books - 2 (chapters), articles - 40.
Main scientific papers/publications (no more than 5)
1 Changes in the microstructure of small meadow-steppe solonetzes under the influence of chemical reclamation. //Izvestia of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a series of biol. 1994. No.5. P.53-57.
2 Micromorphology of virgin and developed chernozems of southern carbonate northern Kazakhstan //Soil science and agrochemistry. 2008. No.2. P.36-41.
3 Soil degradation in Kazakhstan and preventive measures. International Soil Science Congress on “Managing natural resources to maintain soil health and quality”. Turkey. 2010, P.348-352.
4 Features of soil microstructure of the dried bottom of the Aral Sea //Soil Science and Agrochemistry 2014. No.1. P.21-27.
5 Features of the microstructure of solonetzes of meadow-steppe crust subzones of dark chestnut soils of Northern Kazakhstan //Soil Science and Agrochemistry 2015. No.2. P.22-32.
Government and public awards:
1. Certificate of honor in connection with the 20th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan for achievements in agricultural science and the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan from KazAgroInnovation.
2. Certificate of honor for a significant contribution to the development of agricultural science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and in connection with the 70th anniversary of the formation of the Kazakh Research Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry named after U.Uspanov from KazAgroInnovation.