Farida Kozybaeva Esenkozhanovna

Education: Kazakh State Agricultural Institute 1961-1966 гг.;

рostgraduate studies - Institute of Soil Science of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, 1971-1974 гг. 

Academic degree: Doctor of biological sciences «Soil formation in the technogenic landscapes of the south and east of Kazakhstan», 03.00.27 – soil science, 1994.

Participation in research projects (last five years) 

  • State of natural ecosystems of the protected area of the Medeu Regional Park Program section: Soil and ecological state of the protected area of the Medeu Regional Park – 2020

  • "Reclamation of land located on the territory of the former Daryal-U radar station (Balkhash-9), used for storing PHD-containing equipment and waste" -2021

  • According to the state target NT program: "Cadastral assessment of the modern ecological state of flora and vegetation of the Almaty region as a scientific basis for effective management of resource potential" Section of the program: "Study the composition and properties of soil cover by study areas of the Almaty region" -2021-2023

  • Study the impact of technogenic landscapes of the Aktogay field on the surrounding natural ecosystems, develop methods and direction for reclamation of disturbed lands by the production of mining and processing industries (rock dumps, tailings dumps and technogenic formations) - 2022-2024.

Number of publications: More than 300 scientific papers have been published, including in highly rated journals included in the International Bases of Scientific Literature; the author of 1 monograph and co-author of 5 monographs, 4 recommendations for the reclamation of mining dumps and disturbed land during the extraction of non-metallic building materials, 2 patents: No. 21833. 31.10.2008 g. "Furrow Irrigation System"; No. 23278. 19.05.2009 "Method of Reclamation of Industrial Dumps".

Prepared under the supervision of 1- Doctor of Sciences, 6 - Candidates of Sciences and 2- PhDs.

Main scientific works/publications (not more than 5)

1. The influence of zinc industry emissions on the properties of chernozem soil// Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (ISSN09751459-India-Scopus) IMPACT FACTOR 2017: 3.075 -  Vol. 10(12), 2018. -  P. 3281-3285. (в соавт.: Zhadrasyn Sarkulova, Carmelo Dazzi, Gulzhan Beiseyeva.) 

2. Morphogenetic characteristics of chernozem leached in mining enterprises pollution conditions// EurAsian Journal of BioScience (ISSN1307-9867-Scopus) IMPACT FACTOR (в соавт: Sarkulova Zhadyrassyn, Carmelo Dazzi, Lo Papa G, Gulzhan Beiseyeva.) 

3. Impact of Mining and Metallurgical Plant Emissions on Soil Microbozoassessments//Eurasian Union of Scientists (ESU). Monthly scientific journal.№ 2 (59) / 2019. 3 часть. -С.48-52. DOI: 10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2019.3.59.48-52. Global impact factor (0.388 за 2015 г.), ISI (0.833 за 2015 г.).(в соавт.: Бейсеева Г.Б., Саркулова Ж.С., Ажикина Н.Ж.)

4. Agrochemical characterization of soils under rare, endangered plant species in Yeskeldinsky and Kerbulak districts of Almaty region // Proceedings of the 1st International Scientific Conference «Scientific Research and Experimental Development» (November 03-04, 2022). London, England, 2022.- С. 365-377 ( в соавт.: Г.Б.Бейсеева, Г.А.Сапаров, М.Тоқтар,  Н.Ж.Ажикина, А.С.Есжанова.) ISBN 978-6-0914-9821-6 DOI 10.5281/zenodo.7295244 

Government and public awards:

  1. Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2010; 2011 у.

  2. Jubilee medal «Qazaqstan Respýblıkasynyń Táýelsizdigine 20 jyl

  3. Medal «Eren eńbegi úshin», 2012 у.

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