Education KazGU nam. CM. Kirov 1975-1980
Scientific degree: Doctor of Biological Sciences, Implementation of the principles of biological farming based on the vital activity of microorganisms. - Microbiology 03.00.07, 2002. Professor.Participation in research projects (last five years)
No. AP05132472. Search and production of an effective biocellulose producer promising for use in medicine and biotechnology. RIPR. 2018-2020. No. 143 dated 03/14/2018. 0118RK00900.
NTP 0.0809. No. BR05236334. Creation and replenishment of production-valuable strains of microorganisms-destructors of organic substances. 2018-2020. 0118RK00951.
NTP 0.0809. No. BR05236334. Creation and replenishment of the collection of strains of microorganisms with signs of PGPR (plant-growth promoting rhizobacteria). 2018-2020. No. 256 dated March 28, 2018, 0118RK00953.
NTP O.0914. To create a complex biological preparation to increase the productivity of grain crops in the conditions of northern Kazakhstan. 2018-2020. 0118RK00953.
NTP O.1005 Scientific and practical bases for the development of resource-saving technologies for processing sewage sludge, solid household and agricultural waste. 2021-2023. 0121RK00810.
NTP O.0914. To create a complex biological preparation to increase the productivity of grain crops in the conditions of northern Kazakhstan. 2018-2020. 0118RK00953. NTP O.1005 Scientific and practical bases for the development of resource-saving technologies for the processing of sewage sludge, solid household and agricultural waste. 2021-2023. 0121RK00810.
Number of publications: 229, including 27 patents, 1 monograph, 1 tutorial.
Prepared under the supervision of 4 candidates of science and 2 PhD.
Main scientific papers/publications (no more than 5)
1. Nagmetova G., Berthold-Pluta A., Garbowska M., Kurmanbayev A., Stasiak-Rózańska L. Antibacterial Activity of Biocellulose with Oregano Essential Oil against Cronobacter Strains // Polymers – 2020. – Vol.12, №8 1647. – 10 p. IF=3,46; процентиль 75; Q1.
2. Aipova R., Abdykadyrova A., Silayev D., Tazabekova E., Oshergina I., Ten E., Kurmanbayev A. The fabrication of the complex bio-fertilizer for wheat cultivation based on collection bacteria of the PGPR group // Biodiversitas. – 2020. – Vol.21, №11. – P. 5032-5039. (Scopus Cite Score2019=1.2, SJR 2019=0.267, 38th percentile).
3. Nagmetova G., Berdimuratova K., Amirgazin A., Shevtsov V., Ismailova A., Ramanculov E., Shevtsov A., Kurmanbayev A. Draft genome sequence of a potential commercial biocellulose producer, strain Komagataeibacter europaeus GH1 // Microbiology Resource Announcements. – 2020. – Vol. 9, Issue 42. – 2 p. DOI: 10.1128/MRA.00963-20. Scopus Q4. Процентиль 45.
4. Baigonusova Zh.A., Tulkubaeva S.A., Tulaev Yu.V., Safronova O.S., Kurmanbayev A.A. Creating a biological product using Nitrogen-fixing bacteria before sowing wheat (north Kazakhstan) // Journal of Advanced Pharmacy Education and Research. – 2021. – Vol.11(1). – P.39-47. DOI:10.51847/XL40j39. Scopus Q3. (IF=0.14 Scopus Cite Score2019=0.4, SJR 2019=0.145, SNIP 2019=0.809).
5. Rysbek A.B., Ramankulov E.M., Richert A., Kurmanbayev A.A., Abeldenov S. Comparative Characterization and Identification of Poly-3-Hydroxybutyrte Producing Bacteria with Subsequent Optimization of Polymer Yeld // Polymers – 2022. – Vol.14, №2 335. – 10 p. IF=4,329; процентиль 75; Q1.