Beibut Suleimenov Ualikhanovich

Education: Kazakh Agricultural Institute 1978-1983; postgraduate studies – Kazakh Research Institute of Agriculture 1986-1988.

Scientific degree: Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, «Increasing the fertility of irrigated serozems of cotton-growing regions of South Kazakhstan», 03.00.27 – soil science, 06.01.04 – agrochemistry, 2009.

Participation in research projects (last five years):

  • 2018-2020 - Scientific Supervisor of the project «Introduction of innovative technology to increase soil fertility and crop yields (bioorganic fertilizers)» within the framework of the target scientific and technical program: "Creation of an innovative agrotechnological park for the implementation of precision farming" under the budget program 267 "Increasing the availability of knowledge and scientific research" under subprogram 101 "Program-targeted financing of scientific research and  events".

  • 2018-2020 - Scientific Supervisor of the program «Problems of irrigated saline soils of the Turkestan region and their solution through the use of innovative technology to increase soil fertility and yields» under the budget program 267 "Increasing the availability of knowledge and scientific research" under subprogram 101 "Program-targeted financing of scientific research and activities".

  • 2021-2023 - Scientific Supervisor of the scientific and technical program «Scientific and technological support for the preservation and reproduction of the fertility of agricultural land».

Number of publications: total 177, of which 1 monograph, 4 recommendations, patent for a utility model No. 5712 of 31.12.2020, patent for invention No. 35883 of 07.10.2022.

Scientific guidance: 1 PhD doctoral student of KazNARU.

Main scientific works/publications (no more than 5)

1 A. Saparov, R. Eleshev, B. Suleimenov, G. Peskovki, A. Scherbakov. Effect of Potassium Chloride Application for Rice, Cotton and Potato in the Irrigated Zone of Kazakhstan // Better Crops, 2013,97(4). -P.23-25.

2 T. Jalankuzov, B. Suleimenov, P. Bauer, W. Busscher, K. Stone. Irrigated Cotton Grown on Sierozem Soils in South Kazakhstan // Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 2013,44(22). -P.3391-3399.

3 S.I. Tanirbergenov, B.U. Suleimenov, A.S. Saparov, A.M. Soltanayeva, B.Zh. Kabylbekova. The fertilizer system increasing the salt tolerance and productivity of cotton in the conditions of saline soils in Southern Kazakhstan // Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. -2016, 7(6). -P.147-155.

4 B.U. Suleimenov, A. Saparov, V. Kan, L. Kolesnikova, A. Seitmenbetova, K. Karabayev The Effect of Bioorganic Liquid Fertilizer «BioEcoGum» on the Productivity of Grain Maize in the Conditions of Southeast Kazakhstan // Eurasian Journal of Biosciences, ISSN 1307 9867. Scopus, IF 0,52, процентиль 39, 2019, том 13, вып. 2, С. 1639-1644

5 Tanirbergenov S., Suleimenov B., Cakmak, D., Saljnikov, E, Smanov, Zh. The ameliorative condition of the irrigated light serozem of the Turkestan region // Periódico Tchê Química. ISSN 2179-0302. (2020); vol.17 (n 36). pp. 920-933

Government and public awards: badge «The best of the agricultural sector» (2019), medal «30th anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan» (2021).

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