Saparov Galymzhan Abdullayevich
Education: Kazakh Agricultural Institute 1990-1995. Academic degree: Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Participation in research projects (last five years) Scientific and technical program "Problems of irrigated saline soils of the Turkestan region and their solution based on the use of innovative...
Aksaule Seitmenbetova Tynysbekovna
Education: Kazakh National Agrarian University 1996 - 2001; postgraduate study Kazakh National Agrarian University 2001 – 2004. Scientific degree: Ph.D., Transformation of loess rocks in the foothills of the Zailiysky Alatau and processes of soil formation under the influence of biocenosis...
Vyrakhmanova Asem Sabitkhanovna
Education: KazSWPU, bachelor in Geography (1997-2001); Al-Farabi KazNU, Master in Geography, MA (2002-2004); and PhD Kazakh National Agrarian University, majoring in Soil Science and Agrochemistry, (2015-2018) Participation in research projects (for the last five years) Scientific and technical...
Poshanov Maksat Nurbaevich
Образование: Казахский Национальный Аграрный Университет, специальность «Почвоведение и агрохимия» бакалавр 2007-2011 гг., магистратура 2011-2013 гг., докторантура 2018-2020 гг. Научная степень: Магистр сельскохозяйственных наук. Участие в научно-исследовательских проектах (последние пять лет): НТП...
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