Poshanov Maksat Nurbaevich
Education: Kazakh National Agrarian University, specialty "Soil Science
and Agrochemistry", bachelor 2007-2011, master 2011-2013 and PhD 2018-
Academic degree: Master's degree in agricultural science.
Participation in research projects (for the last five years)
Scientific and technical program "Problems of irrigated saline soils of the
Turkestan region and their solution based on the use of innovative technology to
improve soil fertility and productivity" (2018-2020) according to BP 267
"Improving the availability of knowledge and scientific research", subprogram 101
"Program-targeted financing of scientific research and activities”;
STP "Scientific and technological support for the conservation and
reproduction of the fertility of agricultural land" (2021-2023) under BP 267
"Improving the availability of knowledge and scientific research", subprogram 101
"Program-targeted financing of scientific research and activities"
Grant financing of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic
of Kazakhstan: "Management of the production process of agricultural crops and
assessment of nitrogen emission by soils of agrophytocenoses in the conditions of
the south-east of Kazakhstan" (2022-2024).
Number of publications: Number of publications: 30 in total, 12 of them in
recommended publications of the Committee for Quality Assurance in Education
and Science of MES RK, 1 recommendation for production, 4 articles in peer-
reviewed journals based on Web of Science and Scopus, 13 articles in international
and national conferences.
Main scientific papers/publications: (no more than 5)
1. Poshanov M.N., Laiskhanov Sh.U. Development of structure and creation
of soil-information system of irrigated massif // All-Russian Conference with
international participation and school of young scientists: "Modern methods of
research of soils and soil cover". - М., 2015. - С. 347-350.
2. Poshanov M.N. Otarov A., Ibrayeva M.A., Duysekov S.N., Suleimenova
A.I. Experience of space method application for detection of out of agricultural
turnover "fallow" saline lands of irrigation zone and assessment of their current
state. Journal of Soil Science and Agrochemistry, №1, 2020, 29-42 bet, Almaty.
3. Poshanov M.N. Kenenbaev S.B., Ibraeva M.A., Vyrakhmanova A.,
Duysekov S., Suleimenova A. Influence of soil salinity degree and biopreparation
application on corn productivity. Journal of Soil Science and Agrochemistry,
No.1, 2021, pp.44-56, Almaty.
4. Poshanov М.N. ... The Effects of the Degree of Soil Salinity and the
Biopreparation on Productivity of Maize in the Shaulder Irrigated Massif. OnLine
Journal of Biological Sciences (Agricultural and Biological Sciences), 2022, 22
(1):58.67, р. 58-67. Процентиль 45.
5. Poshanov М.N. ... A Study of the Effects of Soil Salinity on the Growth
and Develop-ment of Maize (Zea Mays L.) by using Sentinel-2 Imagery. OnLine
Journal of Biological Sciences 2022, 22 (3): 323-332. DOI:
10.3844/ojbsci.2022.323.332. процентиль 45.
Government and public awards: 2019 ; 2020. Certificate of Honor (