Saparov Galymzhan Abdullayevich
Education: Kazakh Agricultural Institute 1990-1995.
Academic degree: Candidate of Agricultural Sciences
Participation in research projects (last five years) Scientific and technical 
program "Problems of irrigated saline soils of the Turkestan region and their 
solution based on the use of innovative technology to improve soil fertility and 
productivity" (2018-2020) according to BP 267 "Improving the availability of 
knowledge and scientific research", subprogram 101 "Program-targeted financing 
of scientific research and activities”;
STP "Scientific and technological support for the conservation and 
reproduction of the fertility of agricultural land" (2021-2023) under BP 267 
"Improving the availability of knowledge and scientific research", subprogram 101 
"Program-targeted financing of scientific research and activities"
Number of publications: Author 70 scientific papers and 3 patents
Main scientific works/publications (not more than 5):
1 Feng, S., Ma, L., Abuduwaili, J.,.Saparov, G., Issanova, G. Insights into 
Variations and Potential Long-Range Transport of Atmospheric Aerosols from the 
Aral Sea Basin in Central Asia //Remote Sensing Открытый доступТом 14, 
Выпуск 13July-1 2022 Номер статьи 3201.
2 He, Jinga, Abuduwaili, Jililib, Ma, Longb, Saparov, Galymzhanc, Issanova, 
Gulnurac. Grain size characteristics and spatial heterogeneity of farmland soils in 
the Syr Darya River Basin of Kazakhstan //Arid Zone ResearchТом 39, Выпуск 4, 
Страницы 1282 - 129215 July 2022
3 Duan, Yongjiana, Ma, Longa, Abuduwaili, Jililia, Liu, Wena, Saparov, 
Galymzhand, Smanov, Zhassulan Driving Factor Identification for the Spatial 
Distribution of Soil Salinity in the Irrigation Area of the Syr Darya River, // 
Kazakhstan AgronomyОткрытый доступТом 12, Выпуск 8August 2022 Номер 
статьи 1912.
4. Organic carbon burial in the aral sea of central asia Feng, S., Ma, 
L., Abuduwaili, J., ...Saparov, G., Issanova, G. Applied Sciences 
(Switzerland), 2021, 11(15), 7135
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