Department of Soil Ecology

The Department of Soil Ecology was established in 2007 by merging of the following laboratories:

  • Soil reclamation, which was organized in 1973 and in 1993 was renamed into the laboratory of technogenically disturbed soils reclamation. Its leaders were Dr.Ag.Sc. E.U.Dzhamalbekov, Dr.Ag.Sc I.K. Asanbaev and Dr.Bio.Sc., professor F.E. Kozybayeva;

  • Soil Erosion, established in 1958, headed by Dr. Ag.Sc. R.D. Dzhanpeisov, 1993-1994 - Cand. Ag. Sc. M.E. Belgibayev, 1994 -1996 - Cand.Ag. Sc. A.K. Alimbayev;

  • Laboratories on issues of irrigation with  waters of Siberian rivers. Since 1973, the leaders: Dr.Bio.Sc. K.Sh. Faizov (1973-1976) and Cand.Ag.Sc. K.D.Karazhanov (1976-2007), in 1986 it was renamed into the laboratory on issues of soil irrigation in  steppe zone, from 1990-2007 - the department of anthropogenic transformation and soil erosion;

  • Laboratory of soil ecosystem studies (1997-2007), head Kozybayeva F.E.

  • From 2007-2016, the Department of soil ecology was headed by Dr.Bio.Sc., professor F.E. Kozybaeva then Dr.Ag.Sc. G.B. Beiseeva.

  • From 2017 to 2019, the department of soil ecology merged with the department of agrochemistry, the head of the combined department "Agrochemistry and soil ecology" was Cand.Ag.Sc. G.A. Saparov.

In 2019, with aim to implement measures to study soil formation processes, develop theoretical foundations of reclamation of disturbed, polluted and transformed soils in conditions of technogenesis and aridization, it was decided to restore the Department of soil ecology as an independent department.

Currently, the head of the department is Cand.Ag.Sc. Saparov G.A. The department includes 6 staff members, including 1 Dr.Bio.Sc., professor, 1 Candidate of agricultural sciences, 2 PhD, 2 Masters

Main research areas

- study of soil formation processes in disturbed, polluted and transformed soils in conditions of technogenesis and aridization;

- development of theoretical foundations for  reclamation of disturbed, polluted and transformed soils due to technogenesis and aridization;

- biological reclamation of technogenically disturbed, polluted and transformed soils to increase their bioproductivity for the purpose of their secondary use in agricultural circulation;

- development of science-based recommendations for  reclamation of disturbed, contaminated and transformed soils in conditions of technogenesis and aridization.

Services provided by the department

Assessment of ecological state of technogenically disturbed lands, and development of recommendations on their biological reclamation.

Main achievements

Ecological research in modern conditions acquire particular relevance, since environmental protection and rational use of natural resources are becoming the most important factors determining the prospects for successful economic and social development. Solving environmental problems of soil surface of Kazakhstan currently requires urgent measures for healthy population of the Republic.

As a result of research work the department staff obtained the following results:

1. Theoretical foundations of soil formation processes under conditions of natural overgrowth and biological reclamation of technogenically disturbed lands have been studied;

2. The issues of transformation of soils during biological period of reclamation of industrial dumps of  Zyryanovsk deposit and  initial soil formation processes, their speed and direction were studied;

3. Microbio-zoo-phytocenoses were studied aimed to determine their role in soil formation on artificially created soils;

4. The rates of decomposition of plant litter on various soils during the period of reclamation of dumps were determined;

5. An integrated ecosystem approach was carried out in optimizing fertility of dark chestnut soils and increasing productivity of vegetable crops (comparative characteristics of soil fertility under various environmental conditions was carried out: vegetable crop rotation, rainfed, fallow and virgin lands; biodiversity of pedobionts in dark chestnut soils and their importance in fertility;  parameters of mobile forms of nutrients and their removal by  cabbage and potato crops, as well as quality of products and their shelf life were determined; productivity of crops and their economic efficiency were determined depending on  conditions of mineral nutrition and type of crop rotation; biological productivity of agrocenoses and phytocenoses, nitrogen cycle and ash elements, balance of biogenic elements in foothill dark chestnut soils of Zailiysky Alatau was studied.

6. Soil-ecological map of the Caspian region was compiled with assessment of soil disturbance, on which territories of technogenic disturbance and petrochemical pollution were identified;

7. Classification of soils of technogenic landscapes of Kazakhstan was developed;

8.  "Soil map of the territory of the modern Syr-Darya delta and the dried bottom of the Aral Sea" of the eastern part of the Kazakhstan Aral Sea area at a scale of 1: 200,000 was created

9. Measures on development of scientific bases for increasing biological productivity of soils transformed under conditions of aridization of dried bottom of the Aral Sea are proposed. Almaty. 2009.


- techniques for increasing soil bioproductivity and restoring soil-ecological functions of lands of  oil-producing regions of  Kyzylorda region;

- theoretical foundations for  reclamation of technogenically disturbed lands to create sustainable soil and vegetation cover;

- scientific bases for increasing soil biological productivity of the dried bottom of the Aral Sea transformed under conditions of aridization;

-recommendations on reclamation of industrial dumps of Leninogorsk polymetallic plant, Zyryanovsk plant;

- recommendations on biological reclamation of lands in the piedmont plains of southern Kazakhstan, which were disturbed during  extraction of construction  materials;

- recommendations on assessing the potential hazard of irrigation soil erosion in  foothill zone of the Northern Tien Shan. Almaty;

- recommendations on restoration of phytotoxic dumps of  Tishinsky polymetallic deposit in the East Kazakhstan region. Almaty;

- recommendations on restoration of transformed soils of the Aral Sea region and increasing their bioproductivity.

Completed research projects:

- "Develop effective ways to create forest plantations and landscaping in various areas of reclamation of disturbed lands and issue recommendations for their application" (1981-1982; 1991-1993);

- "Study ecosystem of disturbed lands and soil formation processes on reclaimed phytotoxic dumps of the East Kazakhstan region";

- "Studies on identification of the best ways of biological reclamation of lands disturbed by industry during extraction of loams in Chimkent region for irrigated agriculture" (1976-1980);

- "Develop and issue recommendations on biological stage of reclamation of disturbed lands for agricultural use at specific enterprises of the Kazakh SSR" (1981-1985).

- "Ecosystem studies of soils of agrolandscapes in the foothills of the south-east of Kazakhstan and improvement of fertilizer systems for vegetable crop rotations aimed to preserve and reproduce soil fertility and obtain sustainable, environmentally friendly crops of potatoes and vegetables and gourds" (2001-2005);

- “To study ecosystem of disturbed lands and soil formation processes on  reclaimed phytotoxic dumps of the East Kazakhstan region”. During the implementation of the Program, recommendations for restoration of phytotoxic dumps of Tishinsky polymetallic deposit in the East Kazakhstan region were developed”

- "Soil formation and assessment of soil-ecological functions in technogenically disturbed landscapes" (2009-2011)

- "Soil-ecological conditions of Kenkiyak field and environmental assessment of oil-contaminated soils" (2009-2011).

- "Restoration of disturbed and oil-contaminated lands of Kyzylorda region" (2012-2014);

- "Influence of mining and metallurgical enterprises on the environment, soil-reclamation and biological methods of rehabilitation of polluted landscapes" (2012-2014);

   - "Scientific basis for the use of biochar aimed to improve and preserve fertility of dark chestnut soils" (2012-2014);

- "Development of  theoretical foundations for  reclamation of technogenically disturbed lands of  Karatau basin of phosphorite deposits in order to sequestrate  carbon effect in the atmosphere and protect the environment" (on the example of  Kokdzhon deposit) (2012-2014);

- "Assessment of ecological functions of soil surface of the territory of the fields of "Arnaoil" LLP in conditions of oil pollution and development of foundations for their rehabilitation" (2012-2014);

- "Assessment of the current state of agricultural lands and restoration of transformed soils of the eastern Aral Sea" (2012-2014);

- "Influence of biochar on structure formation, pore space and water resistance of soil aggregates" (2015-2017);

- "Monitoring and soil-ecological assessment of the state of reclaimed lands in the south and east of Kazakhstan" (2015-2017);

- "Rehabilitation of  techno-soils of the territory of the barns of  Karaarna oil field reclaimed by  zeolite-microbiological method and  impact on soil formation" (2015-2017);

- "Development of reproduction of soil fertility in growing fodder crops in the conditions of  Atyrau region" (2015-2017);

- "Study of forest reclamation protective plantations on the dried bottom of the Aral Sea, their influence on soil-forming processes and development of scientific foundations for creation of forest pastures" (2015-2017).

International projects

- INTAS Project No. 00-203, Project Title: "Selection of plant genotypes from Kazakhstan flora contributing to alleviation of heavy metal hazard to human and animal health" (2005-2007).

- Project-463, carried out under the auspices of the International Scientific and Technical Center ISTC Project No. K-463 “Biological recultivation of technogenically disturbed lands and the ways for acceleration of biocomplexes natural regeneration” (2006-2008).

Together with scientists from the Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of  SB of RAS, the work was carried out on the dump of the Kokdzhon phosphorite deposit of the Sarysu district of the Zhambyl region on the following topics:

- "Development of theoretical foundations for  reclamation of technogenically disturbed lands of Karatau basin of phosphorite deposits aimed to sequester carbon effect in atmosphere and protect the environment" (on the example of Kokdzhon deposit) (2012-2014);

- "Influence of mining and metallurgical enterprises on the environment, soil-reclamation and biological methods of rehabilitation of polluted terrains" EKR (2013-2015);

- "Monitoring and soil-ecological assessment of the state of reclaimed lands in the south and east of Kazakhstan" (2015-2017).

In 2015-2017, scientists from MSU M.V.Lomonosov conducted scientific research to study the effect of biochar on structure formation, pore space and water resistance of soil aggregates.

Staff of the department took an active part in Republican and International conferences, symposiums, etc.: Philadelphia. USA, 2006;1 Preparatory Conference for the 15th OSCE Economic Forum. Bishkek, 2006; 5 Int. Soil Conservation Congress. Palermo. Italy, 2007; 6th International Conference "Nuclear and Radiation Physics", Almaty, 2007; Republican scientific-practical conference "Relevant issues  of modern microbiology". Almaty, 2007; V international scientific-practical conference "Heavy metals and radionuclides in the environment" (October 15-18, 2008) Semey, Kazakhstan; 15-th International Congress of ISCO, 18-23 May, 2008 Budapest, Hungary; 15th International Congress of ISCO, 18-23 May, 2008 Budapest, Hungary; International scientific conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of V.M. Borovsky. September 17-18. Almaty. 2009;

International scientific-practical conference "Biological diversity and sustainable development of nature and society", May 12-13, 2009, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of KazNU Al-Farabi and Faculty of Biology, May, 2009; Relevant issues of microbiology and virology. International scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the academician of  National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan A.Ilyaletdinov, 2009; VI international scientific-practical conference "Heavy metals and radionuclides in the environment" (February 3-7, 2010) Semey, Kazakhstan; International conference "Monitoring of land surface, land use and fires in agricultural and semi-arid regions of Northern Eurasia" (16-21.09.2009) Almaty. 

For many year the department has been closely cooperating with universities and schools: since 2001, with schools No.13 of Auezov district, No.169 of Alatau district of Almaty and a rural school in the village of Birlik, Almaty region. The staff members are engaged in scientific work with the children of these schools. For 10  years of work, students participated in the city, republican, international and regional scientific and practical conferences and were awarded Diplomas of I-III degrees. In 2010, from May 12 to 18, 11th grade student Dariga Berdibayeva from school No.169 of Alatau district of Almaty participated in the Intellectual Olympiad, which was held in Greece. She made a scientific report and took the 1st place in biology. The leaders are Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor Kozybayeva F.E. and Cand.Ag.Sc. Beiseeva G.B. Students, together with the staff of department, participate in field expeditions and laboratory research of the department.

Under the guidance of Dr.Bio.Sc., professor F.E. Kozybayeva, students of the 3d and 4th years of study at KazNARU, KazNU and MSU have industrial, pre-Diploma and research practices.

According to the results of long-term researches, more than 350 scientific papers have been published by the staff of the department.

Contact details: 

Saparov Galymzhan Abdullaevich


phone: 8(727)269-47-33

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