
Saparov Abdulla Saparovich Doctor of Agricultural Sciences (1997), Professor (1998), Academician of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2009), Vice-President of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2017), Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2017), Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2020) Honorary Doctor of Sciences SB RAS (2009), Chairman NGO "Society of Soil Scientists, Agrochemists and Ecologists" (2008), one of the founders of agrochemistry in Kazakhstan. 

Saparov Abdulla was born on May 21, 1949 in a peasant family in the village of Kakpak (Kyzyl-tan collective farm), Leninsky district (now Kazygurt) of Shymkent (now Turkestan) region of the Kazakh SSR (now the Republic of Kazakhstan). In 1966 he graduated from secondary school No. 17 named after M. Auezov in Chirchik, Tashkent region of the Uzbek SSR. He began his career as an apprentice turner at the Chirchik Transformer Plant, a tool shop mechanic, then continued his work as a stockman at the Kyzyl-tan collective farm. 

In 1972 he graduated from the Kazakh State Agricultural Institute (now Kazakh National Agrarian University), Faculty of Agrochemistry and Soil Science.  

Saparov Abdulla Saparovich passed the path of a scientist - from a junior researcher of the Research Institute to the general director of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the Kazakh Research Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry named after U.U. Uspanov.

Scientific research is devoted to the issues of the system of application of fertilizers, increasing soil fertility and productivity of agricultural crops. He has developed more effective methods for optimizing nitrogen and phosphorus nutrition of vegetable crops on foothill irrigated dark chestnut soils of the south-east of Kazakhstan.

Based on the data of many years of scientific research, Abdulla Saparovich defended his PhD (Moscow) in 1985 and his doctoral dissertation (Almaty) in 1997. In 1990 he was awarded the title of senior researcher (06.01.04 – agrochemistry) and in 1998 – professor (06.01.00 - agronomy).

Under the leadership of Saparov A.S., fundamental and applied research was carried out in the field of rational use of soil resources and agricultural lands, to study the patterns of soil formation and changes in soil processes and the current state of soil cover, with the compilation of soil maps based on GIS technologies; monitoring and evaluation of soil-reclamation and soil-ecological state of soils and agrochemical agricultural land surveys; on the development and implementation of innovative technologies to increase soil fertility and crop productivity. 

The Institute intensively developed international relations with the countries of the near and far abroad.  He managed to establish mutually beneficial cooperation with research institutes of the near and far abroad (ICARDA, China, Poland, Germany, Japan, USA, Turkey, Serbia, Russia, FAO, ISTC and many research institutes and universities of the CIS). Annually, under his leadership, international and republican scientific and practical conferences, seminars, meetings, field days, round tables on the rational use of natural and land resources, conservation and reproduction of soil fertility were held.

For more than 20 years Saparov A.S. was a member of the editorial board of the journals "Bulletin of Agricultural Science of Kazakhstan", "Zharshy", "News of science of Kazakhstan", "Problems of agrochemistry and agroecology", "Agriculture", "Fertility", "Izvestia NAS RK, agricultural sector", "Bulletin of Omsk State University", etc.;  member of the section of Agriculture, Crop production and Forestry of the NTS of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, member of the NTS "Center for Biological Research" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, NTC NAO "National Agrarian Scientific and Educational Center", independent expert, Deputy Chairman of the National Scientific Council, national coordinator of Projects of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Management of social conditions in rural areas through effective management of water resources and soil fertility in production conditions in Central Asia" (ICARDA); "Research on Sustainable Land Management in Central Asia" (CACILM–ICARDA). Deputy Chairman of the NTS of JSC "National Center for State Scientific and Technical Expertise" on priority - "Rational use of natural resources, processing of raw materials and products" (2014 - 2017), NTS in the priority direction "Sustainable development of the Agroindustrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the safety of agricultural products" (since 2018), editor-in-chief of the journal "Soil Science and Agrochemistry" (since 2008), chairman of the public association "Society of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology" (since 2008), member of the Presidium of "Agrochemecosruzhestvo" Moscow (since 2006), Co-chairman of the International Society of Soil Scientists of the countries: Turkey, Russia, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan (since 2010), member of the Society of Soil Scientists of Azerbaijan (since 2012), member of the Eurasian Soil Partnership, Moscow (since 2013),  Member of the FAO Global Soil Partnership, member of the ICARDA Steering Committee (since 2014).

Based on the results of many years of research, Saparov Abdulla has published more than 500 scientific papers, including 130 foreign publications, 20 monographs, books and textbooks (8 published abroad), 25 recommendation proposals, 27 innovative patents and copyright certificates.

Under the leadership of Saparov A.S., 5 doctors, 7 candidates of sciences, 2 PhD doctors and 10 masters were trained.

Saparov A. has received government and public Awards: The Order "glory of Kazakhstan" (2013), the order "Kurmet" (2014), the winner of the Tien Shan (Suar) Award (2014), the Postal veteran of the Agricultural Council of the OO (2015), medals: "veteran of Labor "(2016)," 25 years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan "(2016)," honorary veteran "(2016), the order" Postal citizen of the Eurasian Union of States "(2016), The Fellowship" State Scientific fellows for students and specialists, who came out in the development of Science and Technology (2000-2001), Laureate of the premium im.  A. I. Barayeva in the region of Agricultural Science (2001), postal certificate of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2008), Postal certificate of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2015, 2016), photographed with red symbols in the Kremlin (Moscow, 1976). Diploma of the 1st step of the VDNKh of the Kazakh SSR (1976), Diploma of achievement of the national leadership of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1978). Medal " Postal agrochemist of the Russian scientific and Research Institute of agrochemistry named after D. N. Pryanishnikova "(2007), memorable medal "academician A. I. 100 years of youth" (2008), medal "10 years of International Agricultural Research in rural regions of Central Asia and Transcaucasia" (2009), honorary citizen of the USU-Nur region (Mongolia) (2010). Znak "veteran of Water Management" (2014), Academician of the Academy Mitcherlich, Germany (2017), Certificate of scientific center of the NC SF agrobiotechnologies ran (2017).

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