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Dear Colleagues!
We invite you to attend The International scientific-practical conference “Sustainable management of soil resources under climate change” dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the U.U. Uspanov Kazakh Research Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry will be held on August 27-29, 2025.
The scientific directions of the conference are:
1. Rational use of soil resources under climate change conditions
2. Innovative solutions in reclamation and management of saline soils
3. Soil Ecology and Biology: Health of Soil Ecosystems
4. Digital Solutions in Soil Science
5. Carbon Sequestration in Soils and Sustainable Agriculture
Participants of the conference – employees of research and educational institutions, representatives of state authorities and local executive bodies, students of higher educational institutions and other interested persons.
Conference venue: Almaty, Dostyk Avenue 52/2, Kazakhstan Hotel.
Forms of participation:
- in-person participation - reports at the plenary and breakout sessions, poster presentations;
- absentee participation - report by online broadcasting using Zoom platform (link will be sent by e-mail);
- publication without participation in the conference.
In case of full-time and absentee participation the speakers will receive a certificate in electronic form, which will be sent to the e-mail specified in the application form within a month from the date of the conference.
According to the results of the conference a scientific collection with ISBN assignment will be published.
The electronic version of the collection in PDF format will be posted on the website of LLP " U.U. Uspanov Kazakh Research Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry" (https://soil.kz/) after September 30, 2025. It will also be sent to the conference participants by e-mail specified in the application form.
Materials sent for publication should have originality not less than 70%. You can check the article for originality (Anti-Plagiarism system) by yourself and attach the reference when filling out the application form.
Working languages of the conference: Kazakh, Russian, English.
Important Dates:
- the registration card for participation is accepted until May 31, 2025.
- materials, drawn up according to Appendix 1 are accepted until August 10, 2025.
The application and materials should be sent to the conference organizing committee at confsoilkz@mail.kz or via the link https://soil.kz/REGISTRATION CARD.html.
The subject of the e-mail - Conference, the name of the attached file - the surname of the first author, and the number of the scientific direction (for example Conference_XXXXX_Ivanov_2).
The Organizing Committee reserves the right to reject materials that do not comply with the stated rules and the main thematic directions of the Conference, with notification of the authors.
Additional information about the conference is available on the conference website https://soil.kz/konferencija/80-informacionnoe-pismo.html
Payment of the organizational fee.
Authors of articles pay the organizational fee in the amount of 13500 tenge (30 USD), which includes publication of the article in the Proceedings of the Conference, participant's package, coffee break, and buffet. The conference program includes an excursion to Almaty.
Organizational fee can be paid by the following details:
Tenge (KZT)
Limited Liability Partnership "Kazakh Research Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry named after U.U.Uspanov".
BIN 071240019657,
BIK HSBKKZKX, JSC "Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan",
IIK KZ67601013131000107574
Kbe 17
75 V, Al-Farabi Ave., Almaty, Tel. +7 727 2694733
US dollars (USD)
Beneficiary: LLL "U.Uspanov Kazakh Research Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry".
Beneficiary Bank name: JSC HALYK BANK, ALMATY KZ,
Bank address: Almaty A26M3K5, Kazakhstan
Beneficiary Account: KZ61601013131000109234
Corresponding Banks:
Corresponding Account: 8900372605
After payment of the organizing fee, it is necessary to scan the receipt of payment and send it to the mail of the organizing committee with the indication of the items for which the payment was made.
Hotel Reservations:
To book a hotel room, conference participants can follow the link: https://kazakhstanhotel.kz/ e-mail: reservation1@kazakhstanhotel.kz, sales2@kazakhstanhotel.kz. Tel. +7 (727) 291 96 00 - reservation department, 09:00-18:00; +7 (727) 291 91 01 - 24/7.
A 20% discount on room reservations is provided for conference participants. To receive a discount, it is necessary to inform when booking that you are a participant of the conference "Sustainable management of soil resources under the conditions of climate change".
Travel and accommodation expenses are at the expense of the sending organization.
Annex 1
participant(s) of the International Scientific and Practical Conference
"Sustainable management of soil resources under climate change".
Full name of the first author |
Country |
Academic degree |
Position |
Name of the organization (full name) |
Work address (with index) |
Phone |
| |
Title of the article |
Section name |
Form of participation: - face-to-face participation with a report / without a report (poster); - participation in online format with a report / without a report; - publication of the article only. |
Necessity to book a hotel room (Yes/No) |
Requirements for submitting materials for publication
The text should be typed in Microsoft Word, "Times New Roman" font, 12 point font, 1 spacing, 1.25 cm paragraph indent, on A4 size paper (210x297 mm), 30 mm margins on all sides.
Articles should have the UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) classifier. An abstract of 150-200 words and keywords (3-5 words/word combinations) must be attached to the article.
The volume of the text of materials is up to 6 pages, including figures, tables, schemes and references.
Figures and tables are placed in the text after references to them and numbered in order. The number and name of the table is aligned on the left edge above the table. The number and name of the figure is aligned in the center under the figure. Figures and graphic materials are provided as separate files in *jpg format, with a resolution of at least 300 dpi.
References to literature in the text are indicated by numbers in square brackets - [3, 6], corresponding to their numbers in the reference list. The reference list is placed at the end of the text; after 1 line in capital letters (without font selection) the words: LIST OF LITERATURE are printed, which are aligned in the center. Below, through one interval indicate the sources, which are placed in the list in the order of mentioning in the text.
Requirements for Poster Papers: The poster should be vertical format (width: 600 mm and height: 900 mm).
Address for correspondence:
050060, Kazakhstan, Almaty, 75 V Al-Farabi Ave,
Tel./Fax: +7 (727) 269 47 33;
Institute website: https://soil.kz/
Conference website: https://soil.kz/konferencija/80-informacionnoe-pismo.html
Contact of the organizer (acceptance of articles and applications): Zhumagulova Moldir Kayrbolatovna
mobile tel. +7-747-429 50 46; working tel. +7-(727) 302-09-32
Sample design of materials
UDC 631.45
1 blank line
1 blank line
Sidorov E.A.1, Petrov P.P.2
1 blank line
1Name of organization, city, country, e-mail address
2Name of organization, city, country, e-mail address
1 blank line
2 blank lines
1. Сивохип Ж.Т., Павлейчик В.М., Чибилёв А.А., Падалко Ю.А. Региональные угрозы устойчивого водопользования в трансграничном бассейне реки Урал // Водные ресурсы. 2017. Т. 44, № 4. С. 504-516.
2. Мячина К.В. Геоэкологические аспекты оптимизации степных ландшафтов в условиях разработки нефтегазовых месторождений. М.: Медиа-Пресс, 2020. 216 с.
1. Sivokhip Zh.T., Pavleichik V.M., Chibilev A.A., Padalko Yu.A. Regionalnye ugrozy ustoichivogo vodopolzovaniya v transgranichnom basseine reki Ural // Vodnye resursy. 2017. T. 44, № 4. S. 504-516.
2. Myachina K.V. Geoekologicheskie aspekty optimizatsii stepnykh landshaftov v usloviyakh razrabotki neftegazovykh mestorozhdenii. M.: Media-Press, 2020. 216 s.