During the period of formation and development of soil science in Kazakhstan, the scientists of the Institute made great contribution to the development of soil science in Kazakhstan: development of virgin and fallow lands: soil maps of all administrative regions and  soil map of the whole Republic were created. Based on soil-geographical, soil-reclamation, soil-erosion and soil-geochemical studies, methods of soil reclamation in disturbed areas and areas with extremely low natural soil fertility, the thematic soil maps were created, soils were assessed for all natural zones. 16 volumes of the serial monograph "Soils of the Kazakh SSR" were published.

Scientists of the Institute took  active part in compiling the "Soil Map of the World", approved by the International Congress of Soil Scientists (1969); "Soil Map of Asia", which was approved by the X International Congress of Soil Scientists (1974); "International Guidelines for  Irrigation and Drainage of Arid Lands", published by UNESCO in London (1972) and Paris (1986).

Prominent soil scientists - Bezsonov A.I., Uspanov U.U., Borovsky V.M., Akhanov Zh.U. Saparov A.S., who trained soil scientists-geographers, soil scientists-reclamators, soil scientists-ecologists, agrochemists, contributed much to the scientific achievements of the Institute.

At present, the research works of the scientists of the Institute are aimed at studying and determining patterns of changes in soil processes, assessing and regulating soil functions, developing scientific foundations for reproduction of soil fertility and their protection, rational use of agricultural land and increasing productivity of crops.

On the basis of field soil studies, satellite imagery materials and the use of GIS technologies, modern electronic versions of soil maps of Kazakhstan Semirechye, Zhambyl, South Kazakhstan (now Turkestan) regions, in scale  1: 500,000; modern delta of the Syrdarya River and  dry bottom of the Aral Sea; Shetsky district of the Karaganda region (S 1: 100000) were created.

In the National Atlas of the Republic of Kazakhstan a map of soil-geographical and natural-reclamation zoning of plain Kazakhstan (S 1:500000) were published. The following maps have been published in the Atlas of Natural and Technogenic Hazards and Risks of Emergencies: "Danger of soil erosion and deflation", "Danger of soil surface desertification", "Danger of desertification" (S 1:500000). In the Atlas of Mangystau region maps: "Soils" and "Soil degradation" (S 1: 500000) were published.

Developments and implementation:

Technology of increasing fertility of degraded soils and productivity of agricultural crops. The technology allows to use for the secondly drainage and waste water with salinity up to 3 g/l without their preliminary flushing (saving irrigation water); increases rice yield 25% or higher. Provides twice reduction of the rate of application of phosphate fertilizers.

Technology of increasing fertility of saline soils and productivity of corn for grain. Increases productivity of corn from 20 to 60 percent or more, provides increase in root mass by 96-119% compared to traditional one.

Methods of increasing productivity of winter wheat, spring barley, soybeans, corn for grain, rice, cotton and other crops based on the use of bioorganic fertilizer - "BioEcoGum". The use of "Bioekogum" increases the yield of agricultural crops by 25-70%, cost of using fertilizer is reduced 4-5 times.

The achievements of the Institute were marked by government awards the Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1974) for the development of virgin and fallow lands, the Jubilee Badge of Honor of the CC CPSU, diplomas of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Council of Ministers of the USSR, All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, many gold, silver and bronze medals of the EEA of the USSR.

For the development of the “Scientific Foundations of Reclamation Assessment of Soils to Justify the Development of Irrigation in Kazakhstan”, the team of employees of the Institute was awarded the State Prize of the Kazakh SSR (Borovsky V.M., Akhanov Zh.U., Karazhanov K.D., Kornienko V.A., Orlova M. .A., Pachikina L.I.) (1984); Gold medal of the international fund "For high quality in business practice" (2005).

In 2011, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Kan V.M. was awarded the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of science and technology for participation in the work: "Technology of creation and organization of production of biological product "Kazbiosil" "Rizovit-AKS" "Bakoil-KZ".

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